A medium seeded, semi-leafless yellow pea with good lodging resistance, Salamanca is an early maturing variety with great seed quality. It is widely adapted and thrives across many of the pulse growing regions. Salamanca’s very high protein when combined with its high yield potential make it desirable in the food and feed markets and reinforce its value to the producer.
A white-flowered, semi-leafless, medium seeded yellow pea, AAC Profit offers the complete package with high yields, great standability, and high protein. AAC Profit has portrayed great adaptability as it has ranked right at the top in trials throughout the Midwest with maturity medium to late in most areas. It has also shown great height as well as lodging resistance along with a good disease package including powdery mildew resistance and an overall vigorous plant.
A medium seeded, semi-leafless erect yellow pea that is very well adapted for all pea growing areas, Hyline has been a top yielder in trials in North Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota; it is the only pea to yield over 100 bushels per acre in our private trial located in western North Dakota. Hyline has great quality combined with excellent lodging resistance, and a good disease package including root rot tolerance and powdery mildew resistance.


A large seeded, marrowfat pea, Orka is a specialty pea for the food market. It has average bleach tolerance and lodging resistance with early maturity. Seeding it early and harvesting it on time is critical to managing this variety for the highest quality.
A dark wrinkled seeded specialty pea, Shamrock has excellent resistance to lodging and great bleach tolerance. Shamrock is one of the highest yielding green peas and handles stress very well.

A small seeded early maturing green pea, Arcadia is top yielding. It has good bleach tolerance and an early maturing rate. The short plant has average lodging resistance and preforms well in dryer areas.
A medium-sized dimpled seed with tall plant height, Empire is a late maturing green pea. It has excellent lodging resistance, average yield, and good bleach tolerance.

CDC Frontier
A late maturing, 8mm seed, CDC Frontier is a Kabuli chickpea with good resistance to ascochyta blight. CDC Frontier has excellent yield potential.
CDC Orion
A medium to late maturing, 10-11 mm seed Kabuli chickpea. Orion is a chickpea with good resistance to ascochyta blight and has excellent yield potential.
CDC Leader
A medium maturing 8-9mm seed Kabuli with good resistance to ascochyta blight and excellent yield potential

CDC Maxim CL
An early to medium maturing small seed red lentil with a high yield potential along with good resistance to anthracnose and ascochyta, CDC Maxim CL combines the CLEARFIELD Production System with good disease resistance and tall plant height.
CDC Richlea
Richlea is an early to medium maturing green lentil with good resistance to anthracnose race 1 and ascochyta blight.
CDC Kermit
A late maturing, small green lentil, CDC Kermit has moderate resistance to ascochyta blight, excellent color retention and high yield potential.
CDC Greenstar
A large green lentil, CDC Greenstar has moderate resistance to ascohyta blight, excellent color retention, and great yield potential.

A large seeded, tannin type faba bean approved for export trade, Fanfare is high yielding and tall with excellent lodging resistance and pod height. It also has good tolerance to botrytis, better known as chocolate spot.
Petite is a very small seed faba bean that is moderately late in blooming, but matures more rapidly and uniformly than most varieties. The small seed and high yield potential makes this faba bean an excellent cover crop or great addition into a cover crop mix.
A high yielding, low tannin Faba bean with large seed size and good color, Boxer has the agronomic characteristics growers are looking for with an excellent standability and good downy mildew resistance. Boxer is highly suitable for export.

SY Monument
This medium late maturing semi-dwarf winter wheat is broadly adapted with top end yields. Good disease package including tolerance to leaf and stripe rust and good resistance to Soil Borne Mosaic Virus.

SY Wolf
With excellent disease tolerance and straw strength, this new hard red winter wheat is posting top yields in trials across the area.

SY Valda
This medium maturity, hard red spring wheat has a semi-dwarf height and a good straw strength. SY Valda's extending green leaf duration makes for maximum yield results and has high tolerance to stem rust, leaf rust, tan spot and FHB.
AP Smith
More in coming soon!
SY Rockford
Rockford is specifically developed for the western wheat acre with good standability and quality. It is a medium to late maturing semi-dwarf with good foliar disease tolerance, very good fusarum head blight tolerance and good tolerance to the hessian fly.
AP Murdock
More info coming soon!
SY McCloud
More info coming soon!

Jury has high yield potential and good test weight. it is the second oat cultivar available with resistance to prevalent races of both crown and stem rust. Jury is a high milling quality grain.
Everleaf 126
Everleaf oat is a true forage oat with huge yield potential. It has dark foliage, an erect growth habit, and excellent standability. Everleaf 126 has an early mature rate and excellent resistance to rust and most other leaf and stem diseases.